Justine is a “one in a million” find! Most ADD coaches have never had ADD and really have no idea what they are talking about…Justine is ADD ! Most everything with ADD preaches how to get “organized”, “stay focussed” and “time management”….Justine works with her patients from the inside out. Rather than deal with the symptoms of ADD, she goes to the “root causes” and helps us “master our ADD”, so that we control it rather than “IT” control us, as it has most of our lives. Justine Ruotolo deeply cares about her clients and provides a service that goes farther than most.

Over the years I have spent thousands on therapists, only to realize that they had failed to properly diagnose me and that they were simply having me make their “car payments for them”….I did not get better and never sustained a lasting result…..Through Justine’s “mindfulness” techniques, and learning how to identify issues, their roots, regulate emotions and become more resourceful and assertive, she has helped me change my life, where all others had effectually “failed” ! !

In Addition, if you suspect your child has ADD and is having trouble in school, she is the person you need in you corner when it comes to getting IEP’s and “accommodations” from your child’s school….She knows all the ways to get the job done without it costing the parent hundreds of dollars….And has experience with school systems all over this country.

Regarding Marriage and Family Therapy….If I had someone as knowledgable and skilled as her, I may not have had to go through the pain, upset and expense of three divorces….In this area, you truly need someone who is experiences and can help both partners navigate through all that is necessary to truly “repair” and heal the wounds created by poor interpersonal skills that tend to undermine and disintegrate relationships……Needless to say, I highly recommend Justine Ruotolo as a ADD/Life/Relationship Coach, Marriage and Family Therapist.


Justine is great at developing rapport with a diverse and changing group. She is great at leading discussions and providing insight, while also being attentive and responsive to individual contributions and concerns.
