Happy New Year! Please join me this Sunday, January 12, 2014, 4:00pm, PST, as I welcome Robert to the program. Robert has ADHD, and like many in the adult population, was diagnosed later on in life. Robert discovered he had ADHD when his son was diagnosed, when he started school. During Robert’s research into adult ADHD, he found an adult support group in New York City. He felt at home immediately in this group, and soon after became an active part of the leadership. Today, 10 years later, he is one of two leaders, helping the adults in the group understand and embrace their ADHD. Robert and I will be discussing mindfulness, and how it can help with the stress related to New Year Goals, helping those with ADHD overcome procrastination, and increase their successes. We will also be touching upon the effects of Cortisol on the mind and body!